Animation with historical photos

For Apeldoorn 1900 I made this animation with historical photos in collaboration with Wijzijnwolf. In September and October, every movie in art house cinema Gigant starts with this animation.

Launch @LhGWR and @UNSEEN

We had two great launches of my new publication Parallel Universe. At gallery LhGWR in The Hague and at UNSEEN in Amsterdam. Also present the great Henjo Hekman !

Sportive tour guide

This Sunday, September 16 2018, I’m a sportive tour guide for Museum of KOR. Theme of the tour is the National Sport Week.  

Commissioned: 50 years Van Walraven

For the company Van Walraven we made their 50 years jubilee book. I wrote all the interviews, texts and even a new manifest. In corporation with Mark Kuiper, Medea Huisman, Sera Schutijser and [...]